P.S. I might not actually know you, so stop by and say "Hello" if you see me at school.
If you really want to know, you can ask me in person. (I will fill this section out later).
If one really wished to know, a simply Google search would probably suffice. According to Wikipedia, it is pronounced "[ŋ̍]; English approximation often /ˈɪŋ/ or /ˈɛŋ/) or /ˈŋɛŋ/." But really, unless you know how to understand that, this is not going to get you anywhere. So let this be settled once and for all. You pronounce it as you would with an "i" in front of it. For instance, draw "ing", read "ing", and writ "ing".
In my first year of university, I already had credit for some first year courses. This meant that I did not have to take CPSC 231, CPSC 233, and MATH 249/265/275. However, there were still courses that I could not take even with these prerequisites, so I predominantly took the classes that I could fit into my schedule. I realized it would have been quite possible for me to complete my Computer Science degree in 3 years, so I decided to double major with Engineering. This is why my schedule is erratic, and why registering for courses is unpleasant.
I built this website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the Bootstrap front end framework. I have previously built websites using WYSIWYG drag-and-drop website builders, such as Weebly and iWeb, but I decided that to truly learn web development, I had to do it the right way. Thus, I set a goal to dedicate an equal amount of time on learning web development as I did attending class lectures since Winter 2016. The result is what you see before your very eyes - this website. If web development interests you, I would highly recommend starting here.
Please, you flatter me... The truth is, I started asking and answering questions on Math Stack Exchange. Through this, I familiarized myself bit by bit with LaTeX when it is required for inline and display math. If you would like to learn how to use this powerful document preparation system, this is a great resource to get started: (pdf), (LaTeX).