The research that I have done over the past two years concerns the noncototient numbers. At first, I computed the numbers farther than anyone ever has. Later in 2016, I proved a property of noncototients that sprung into my head while I was brushing my teeth. In May 2017 at 3:14 PM, I proceeded to discover the fastest algorithm for finding noncototients.
Early in 2016, I became interested in conducting research in the field of computer science. After waiting until the last day before applications were due for the NSERC award, I resolved to mass email all of the computer science professors. Luckily, Professor Michael John Jacobson Jr. offered to be my supervisor before it came to that.
In my first year of research, I attended CNTA 2016, where speakers such as Noam Elkies and Carl Pomerance gave their talks. The next year, I travelled to Montreal to give a talk of my own at CUMC 2017. Soon, a paper of my research will be published, and it's coming to bookstores near you! (Not really)